Connect Groups

We were created to live in community. Community protects us from being isolated and vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. We’ve all seen the Discovery channel special where the antelope has strayed too far. Trust us, not only are Connect Groups a place where you’re protected but also loved. We would love to have you join one of our Connect Groups today.

Churches That Heal

As a church, we are a local Body of Christ, and just like the human body, God created the body to heal itself. For that to happen, it takes 3 ingredients, Grace, Truth, and Time. In this connect group, Henry Cloud will walk us through the growth/healing process for each of us individually and as a group. This group is for those that want to grow and are willing to put in the work. This is not for the faint of heart, but for those that are willing to commit to the process which includes attending faithfully and even weekly homework over the next 9 weeks.


Study of Revelations

If you are interested in a basic study of the book of Revelation plan to join Eugene Like as he hosts a connect group that will dive into this enlightening message series by Pastor Alan Nolan from Cornerstone church in Tahlequah OK. Each class will consist of a 30- 40 minute video with a supporting study guide for most sessions, followed by a few minutes of class discussion.


No es Demasiado Tarde - Spanish Bible Study

Si alguna vez te has preguntado, ¿Es demasiado tarde para que Dios haga algo conmigo? Este estudio es para ti. Dios usa con frecuencia a personas quebrantadas para lograr Sus propósitos en la tierra. Una persona quebrantada que ha aprendido a depender de Dios es una fuerza que se debe tener en cuenta. Este estudio de seis sesiones examina a tres hombres y tres mujeres de la Biblia que fueron usados poderosamente por Dios a pesar de sus errores anteriores. Tú también puedes aprender a enfocarte en el potencial de tu futuro, no en los errores de tu pasado. Tal vez hayas cometido errores y tomado malas decisiones. Tal vez hayas fallado. Tal vez hayas experimentado desilusiones. Quizá la vida te haya dado golpes fuertes. Pero no es demasiado tarde para que Dios te lleve directamente al plan que El tiene para ti. No es demasiado tarde para que Dios te guie a un glorioso mañana.

Mediante estas seis sesiones descubrirás una nueva perspectiva en algunas de las personas más mencionadas en la Biblia para que así también obtengas una nueva perspectiva de tu persona. Espero que llegues a tener una mejor comprensión de tus experiencias pasadas y de las circunstancias presentes para que así puedas avanzar hacia un glorioso futuro en Cristo.



Financial Peace University

Personal finances are one of life’s biggest challenges. Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace University” has proven to be a life changing teaching opportunity for thousands of people. The practical applications of money management presented in this class will be sure to develop sound habits for anyone who attends. Milton Walker will host this class this fall for anyone who desires to develop in the area of financial stewardship.


Discipleship Class

Have you ever wished you had the opportunity to stop your pastor mid service to ask a question? We understand and desire that you be provided with the chance, in a small group setting, to have the conversations that really lend to our personal spiritual growth. We call that growth discipleship, and we all need to be discipled. Alan and Debbie Brown will be leading a connect group this fall that will talk through the previous weeks message and create an atmosphere where questions and discussion are welcomed.


Quilting Class

You ask, “why is quilting a connect group?” People can connect with God and each other as they fellowship one with another. A quilt can be made to bless others such as Hope Pregnancy Center, they give a blessing blanket to each expecting mother. A blanket that has been handmade and prayed over. Quilt of Valor® is a handmade quilt that is awarded to a Service Member or Veteran who has been touched by war. The Quilt says unequivocally, “Thank you for your service and sacrifice in serving our nation.” These are just two ways that we can bless others with a quilt.